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Amy Page Minter
Amy Page Minter
1987 marriage certificate
Owner of original:
Date: Dec 2018
Andrea Minter nee De Pol of Victoria, British Columbia, wife of Jordan Christopher Minter
Andrea Minter nee De Pol of Victoria, British Columbia, wife of Jordan Christopher Minter
From the Times Colonist, 29 July 2016
Russell Books owner Andrea Minter and new baby, Jasper, 7 weeks, with dozens of sealed boxes of the new Harry Potter book, which is due for release after midnight Sunday. Photograph By Bruce Stotesbury, Times Colonist.
Owner of original: Mike Minter, from Times Colonist
Date: Jul 2016
Andrew John Minter, born 1935
Andrew John Minter, born 1935
Andrew is a Churchwarden at St Cross, Wilstone, Herts
Owner of original:
Date: October 2012
Angie Gregory nee Beech
Angie Gregory nee Beech
Owner of original: Angie Gregory
Date: January 2012
Ann Elizabeth Minter nee Nash c.1821 - 1865
Ann Elizabeth Minter nee Nash c.1821 - 1865
Death certificate
Owner of original: Angela Rice
Date: May 2023
Ann Hewer c. 1799 - 1875, wife of James Cowdy
Ann Hewer c. 1799 - 1875, wife of James Cowdy
Owner of original: Clive Cowdy
Date: July 2013
Ann Minter 1796 - 1863, married Thomas Holman in 1815
Ann Minter 1796 - 1863, married Thomas Holman in 1815
Photo from Memoirs of The Minter Family by Geo. Warden Haines, 1937
Owner of original: Jan Pedersen
Date: June 2013
Ann Minter 1828 - 1901, married Gillbee Eastes in 1850.
Ann Minter 1828 - 1901, married Gillbee Eastes in 1850.
Photo from Memoirs of The Minter Family by Geo. Warden Haines, 1937
Owner of original: Jan Pedersen
Date: June 2013
Ann Minter nee Furness 1866 - 1892
Ann Minter nee Furness 1866 - 1892
John J Minter comments "As the Furness family were well known stone masons in the district a magnificent, tall stone was erected."
Owner of original: John J Minter
Date: Feb 2020
Anna Maria Robertson 1823 - 1859
Anna Maria Robertson 1823 - 1859
Anna Maria, who married Ffloyd Minter Peck in 1847, was a talented amateur artist. Anna is mentioned by Helen Connell in "Family Migration in the 1850s - the Hedley - Peck - Minter party". She is described as a "talented artist, having been awarded the silver medal (amateur) in 1841 by the Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce for her water colour drawing of fruit and flowers." It's not known whether this picture is the one which won the medal.
Owner of original: William M Molesworth
Date: Feb 2017
Anna Maria Robertson 1823 - 1859
Anna Maria Robertson 1823 - 1859
Notes on the back of the still lfe painting.
Anna Maria Robertson 1823 - 1859
Anna Maria Robertson 1823 - 1859
The back of the still life painting. On the left-hand side is a letter stuck to the rear of the painting from Oenone Palmer to her nephew Robert Stanley Hickman Molesworth (RSHM):

"24c Brunswick Gardens
London W8
7th September 1957
"Infact 1975" [RSHM's hand]

Dear Robert,
Some kind friend is getting my "scribblings" typed as I inherited
both my grandfather's father's writing!!
I will send one copy to Richard & [brother of RSHM]
Annie, as early life in Australia may
ammuse them, re how primitive some of it was!
Perhaps you would pass on yours to Bridget to read.
The beautiful picture you have was
done by Anna Maria Robertson
I think my mother's grandmother.
I wonder does Burkes Peerage"

The note on the right-hand side was made by RSHM and points to "I think my mother's grandmother" of the above letter:

"No I think Anna Maria Robertson
was Oenone's grandmother because
1) I have a copy of the certificate of
the marriage on 17/3/1847 of Floyd Minter
Peck surgeon of Folkestone to Anna Maria
2) Debretts proof shows Oenone's
maternal grandfather to be Floyd Minter
Peck surgeon of Newmarket & Sale.
3) Oenone's mother died aged 75 (in 1927) would have been born in

Robert Molesworth
Nephew Oenone."
Owner of original: William M Molesworth
Date: Feb 2017
Anne Maria Sweetland
Anne Maria Sweetland
born 1874, London. Taken in Dover, Kent, date unknown
Owner of original: Jenny Donner
Annie Lewis Minter (about 1916)
Annie Lewis Minter (about 1916)
1942 marriage certificate
Owner of original:
Date: 24 Sep 2018
Annie Maud Minter
Annie Maud Minter
born Woodbridge, Suffolk 3 January 1871, daughter of Richard Dunnett Minter
Owner of original: Tinch Minter
Annie Maud Minter 1871 - 1956
Annie Maud Minter 1871 - 1956
Certificate of baptism etc
Owner of original: Tinch Minter
Date: Nov 2016
Annie Maud Minter 1891 - 1953
Annie Maud Minter 1891 - 1953
Wedding photo taken in 1917 when Annie married James Fish
Owner of original: Alan Dale
Date: Oct 2020
Annie P Minter (1901)
Annie P Minter (1901)
1966 marriage certificate
Owner of original:
Date: 5 Sep 2018
Anthony Minter 1930 - 2015
Anthony Minter 1930 - 2015
Newspaper article published in the Bradford Telegraph & Argus on 17 May 2017 concerning Anthony's death.
Owner of original: Telegraph & Argus (Bradford, England)
Date: 17 May 2017
Aquile Rondeau
Aquile Rondeau
Born 5 October 1845, St Elizabeth, Quebec, Canada, died 6 May 1923, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada. Second wife of William Minter Seaborn.
Owner of original: Seaborne family
Arabella Minter nee Piercy 1826 - 1895
Arabella Minter nee Piercy 1826 - 1895
Death certificate
Owner of original: Colin Minter
Date: Mar 2021
Arabella Piercy 1826 - 1895
Arabella Piercy 1826 - 1895
Page from baptismal register of St Mary's Lambeth.
Owner of original:
Date: Mar 2021
Arthur Albert Minter (1876 - 1899)
Arthur Albert Minter (1876 - 1899)
Attestation on joining The Rifle Brigade in 1890, aged 14.
Owner of original: James Earley/
Date: Nov 2018
Arthur Downey 1868 - 1952
Arthur Downey 1868 - 1952
Newspaper cutting recording Arthur's Golden Wedding
Owner of original: Colin Stewart
Date: Feb 2021
Arthur Downey 1908 - 1992
Arthur Downey 1908 - 1992
Royal Navy - record of service
Owner of original: National Archives
Date: Jul 2021
Arthur Downey 1908 - 1992
Arthur Downey 1908 - 1992
Royal Navy - record of service
Owner of original: National Archives
Date: Jul 2021
Arthur E W Minter (1912 - 1995)
Arthur E W Minter (1912 - 1995)
Malaya POW Camp Name List as of Nov 1 1944.
Owner of original: James Earley/
Date: Nov 2018
Arthur E W Minter (1912 - 1995)
Arthur E W Minter (1912 - 1995)
Japanese Prisoner of War card
Owner of original: James Earley/
Date: Nov 2018
Arthur Frederick Thornborrow
Arthur Frederick Thornborrow
born 1889, South Shields, Durham. With sister-in-law Mabel Dorothy and her daughter Dorothy in 1921.
Owner of original: Keith Thornborrow
Arthur Frederick William Minter 1882 - 1934
Arthur Frederick William Minter 1882 - 1934
WW1 Medal card
Owner of original: National Archives
Date: Aug 2024
Arthur George Minter 1875 - 1954
Arthur George Minter 1875 - 1954
Arthur (on the left) and his wife Ethel pictured at the Eleventh Annual Dinner of the Incorporated Society of Auctioneers at the Savoy, London. At the time, Arthur was President of the Society. The man on the right is the Rt. Hon. Lord Cransworth who was Deputy President of the Central Landowners' Association.
The photograph was one of several taken at the dinner and appeared in The Bystander of 27 March 1935.
Owner of original: James Earley
Date: 1935/2017
Arthur Harknett 1894 - 1961
Arthur Harknett 1894 - 1961
Newspaper obituary
Owner of original: Paul Twynam, Toronto, Canada
Date: Jan 2017
Arthur Henry Minter (1892 - 1916)
Arthur Henry Minter (1892 - 1916)
Navy record
Owner of original: James Earley/
Date: Nov 2018
Arthur James Turner
Arthur James Turner
Headstone in Mulwala cemetery in New South Wales.
Owner of original: Geoff Hayes
Date: June 2015
Arthur John Minter 1906 - 1975
Arthur John Minter 1906 - 1975
1931 marriage certificate - Hazel Ellen Lathan
Owner of original:
Date: Mar 2024
Arthur Minter
Arthur Minter
born 1888, Huntingfield, Suffolk
Owner of original: Mike Minter
Arthur Minter (about 1880 - 1936)
Arthur Minter (about 1880 - 1936)
Attestation of 1901 on joining the Royal Artillery.
Owner of original: James Earley/
Date: Nov 2018
Arthur Reginald Minter 1895 - 1962
Arthur Reginald Minter 1895 - 1962
A photo which appeared in the Illustrated London News of 6 September 1947
Owner of original: James Earley
Date: 1947/2017
Arthur Spencer
Arthur Spencer
born 1913
Owner of original: Tricia Stephenson
Arthur William Alfred Minter
Arthur William Alfred Minter
Headstone in Port Macquarie General Cemetery, NSW, Australia
Owner of original: Gail Gniewosz
Date: November 2010
Article of 07 March 1947 - Kent & Sussex Courier - Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England
Article of 07 March 1947 - Kent & Sussex Courier - Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England
Owner of original:
Date: Mar 2023
Audrey May Pittock
Audrey May Pittock
Newspaper cuttings concerning Audrey's death and funeral
Owner of original: Lynn Harris
Date: January 2014
Austin Minter
Austin Minter
born 1929, New South Wales, Australia
Owner of original: Gail Gniewosz
Austin Stanmore Minter
Austin Stanmore Minter
born 1907, Kempsey, NSW, Australia
Owner of original: Julia Minter
Barbara Jean Minter
Barbara Jean Minter
1950 marriage certificate
Owner of original:
Date: Jan 2019
Beatrice Alexandra Muncey aka Bee Minter
Beatrice Alexandra Muncey aka Bee Minter
Faith - a photograph by Bee Minter which was selected to appear in the The World's Best Photographs, Third Series, published in 1947 by Odhams Press Ltd.
Owner of original: John Minter/Odhams Press Ltd
Date: Jun 2020
Beatrice Alexandra Muncey aka Bee Minter 1899 - 1982
Beatrice Alexandra Muncey aka Bee Minter 1899 - 1982
A composite of photos acquired in Utrecht by Hans Heesen. From the top left they are thought to show Bee and her husband, Bee's husband Robert William Minter, Bee by herself, Bee with her daughter Gillian and Bee in fancy dress, possibly at the Chelsea Arts Ball. The only photo which is dated is the last, which comes from June 1947. The other photos must be earlier given that Bee married in 1923 and daughter Gillian was born in 1926.
The owner of this website, John Minter, has the original photos and would be pleased to pass them on to a family member.
Owner of original: Hans Heesen
Date: Jun 2020
Beatrice Alexandra Muncey aka Bee Minter 1899 - 1982
Beatrice Alexandra Muncey aka Bee Minter 1899 - 1982
The Young Defenders - a photograph taken by Bee Minter and found in a flea market in Utrecht by Hans Heesen, among a collection of photos and letters.
Owner of original: Hans Heesen
Date: Jun 2020
Ben Carol Minter (1953)
Ben Carol Minter (1953)
1973 marriage certificate
Owner of original:
Date: Dec 2018
Benjamin Minter Seaborne
Benjamin Minter Seaborne
Born 5 July 1919, Appleton, Outagamie, Wisconsin, USA, died 19 October 2007, Scottsdale, Maricopa, Arizona, USA
Owner of original: Seaborne family

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